Here is the list of methods provided by driver
when you initialize it.
Note: We have omitted the configuration options for brevity. Please look at the configuration section for the options. Links are provided in the description below.
import { driver } from "driver.js";
import "driver.js/dist/driver.css";
// Look at the configuration section for the options
const driverObj = driver({ /* ... */ });
// --------------------------------------------------
// driverObj is an object with the following methods
// --------------------------------------------------
// Start the tour using `steps` given in the configuration; // Starts at step 0; // Starts at step 4
driverObj.moveNext(); // Move to the next step
driverObj.movePrevious(); // Move to the previous step
driverObj.moveTo(4); // Move to the step 4
driverObj.hasNextStep(); // Is there a next step
driverObj.hasPreviousStep() // Is there a previous step
driverObj.isFirstStep(); // Is the current step the first step
driverObj.isLastStep(); // Is the current step the last step
driverObj.getActiveIndex(); // Gets the active step index
driverObj.getActiveStep(); // Gets the active step configuration
driverObj.getPreviousStep(); // Gets the previous step configuration
driverObj.getActiveElement(); // Gets the active HTML element
driverObj.getPreviousElement(); // Gets the previous HTML element
// Is the tour or highlight currently active
// Recalculate and redraw the highlight
// Look at the configuration section for configuration options
driverObj.setConfig({ /* ... */ });
driverObj.setSteps([ /* ... */ ]); // Set the steps
// Look at the state section of configuration for format of the state
// Look at the DriveStep section of configuration for format of the step
driverObj.highlight({ /* ... */ }); // Highlight an element
driverObj.destroy(); // Destroy the tour